
Doomsday Day

Mayan pyramid

I was actually kind of disappointed that the Mayan Apocalypse wasn’t a bigger deal. Not in the sense of actually being an apocalypse, but I was at least expecting a bunch of ironic doomsday parties or something. I guess the fact that everyone ignored it says something positive about society, although I’d be more encouraged if we hadn’t spent the time freaking out over the fiscal cliff fiasco instead.

Anyway, now that the year’s just about over, it occurred to me that I should have some sort of profound thought to close it out. Unfortunately, my brain kept coming back to the Mayans, so I guess I’ll run with that.


What makes a good monument

Nashville's Parthenon. Photo by Ryan Kaldari, via Wikipedia.

So in 1897, the city of Nashville got a full-scale replica of the Parthenon, because apparently this silly business of every American city calling itself the Athens of Wherever really went to their heads. I’m torn between thinking this is one of those ridiculous things Americans do to affirm a piece of European cultural heritage, like shipping castles across the Atlantic, and thinking it’s actually a really cool idea.

I got to thinking about this as I read a BBC story about the Bamiyan Buddhas, which the Taliban destroyed in 2001 just in case anybody thought they weren’t fanatical enough. Now that the international community has access to the site, there’s a debate about whether to attempt to restore at least one of the figures. And it’s one of those issues that seems to get more complicated the more I think about it.


Yes, humans are the best predators

Yesterday I stopped by Westercon for the quick whirlwind tour. It being Thursday, the programming was fairly light and I occasionally got the feeling that I was the only person there who wasn’t on a panel, but I’m working through one of the most bizarrely busy weeks ever so yesterday was my one chance to check it out.

I think what most surprised me was the dragon panel, which I went into as kind of placeholder since there wasn’t much else in the timeslot, but turned into a really interesting discussion of the philosophical and psychological role of dragons in human literature. Which, probably inevitably, led to the guy who claims that humans aren’t really Earth’s apex predator, because we got to the top of the food chain by “cheating.”

This idea keeps popping up, and it never makes any sense. The fallacy is pretty basic: You can’t cheat when there are no rules.


Mass Effect 3 is way better than you’ve heard

The Reapers were here.

On paper, I’m an ideal candidate to be annoyed about Mass Effect 3‘s ending. After all, my complaint about Dragon Age II was that the game gives the player a ton of choices and then goes out of its way to make them all seem meaningless, which is not far off from the most coherent complaint about ME3. I also don’t like deus ex machina endings, and I was already kind of annoyed at the game because I kind of saw one coming.

And yet, it didn’t really bother me.


Space Grit

Stargate Universe.

Charlie Jane Anders has an excellent article on io9 about what happened to all the gritty space opera that I spent most of the last decade being wary of.

I’m generally suspicious of articles that try to paint the 2000s as some sort of pinnacle of science fiction on television, as it struck me as the decade when sci-fi shows tried to stop being science fiction. But I was as happy as anyone when I saw shows that paid serious attention to physics and using space to tell complex human stories, so an article about the Unfulfilled Promise of the period works for me.


Recaps as Art

I’ve made kind of a game out of trying to figure out how much useful information the “Previously on…” recaps can actually tell you.

This impromptu social experiment came to me thanks to a job that had me watching a whole slew of shows that I previously hadn’t cared about, like the CW’s reboot of 90210. After watching twenty seconds of the characters’ anguished yelling, I still had no clue who anybody was, just some vague sense that some people were mad at each other and some other people slept with each other. Which I had already assumed going in.

At their best, this random series of events from yesterweek just tells you what the episode you’re about to watch will be about. At worst, they leave you trying to figure out why everyone was so worked up instead of actually watching the show.


Uncanny Valley?

There’s a scene in Mass Effect 2, after you’ve completed the loyalty missions for both Miranda and Jack, when they get into a fight, you have to pick sides, and whoever you don’t choose gets mad and you lose their loyalty unless you pass a Paragon or Renegade check. Because apparently Shepard has a crew full of teenagers.

This was probably the most annoying element of an otherwise awesome game, and it came to mind when I heard about the controversy about gay characters in Dragon Age II. Mainly because I don’t think it’s really a controversy about gay characters.

Okay, this is actually two controversies that kind of overlap. The one that seems to gotten more attention, including a weigh-in by lead writer David Gaider himself, comes from a self-described heterosexual male gamer who thinks the game was neglecting straight guys. I’m not sure how anyone can get that impression from a game that has Isabela in it, but whatever. He basically seems annoyed that the game is trying to be inclusive, which I imagine could be annoying to homophobes and there’s not really much to be done about that.

But there’s also a gamer who’s starting a petition to get Gaider fired because the game gives you rivalry points if you refuse another character’s advances:

This is completely wrong, homosexuals do not approach people and force them to kiss us, the person that wrote this game should be fired for stereotyping homosexuals in such a disrespectful way, as well as creating the worst writing in characters, plot and everything else in DA2. It felt very odd that my male companions kept making passes at me, when I never found any interest or even flirted with them. This sort of thing shows that gays are unable to be normal people and think nothing about sex. This is the type of garbage that has people believe that gays shouldn’t serve in the military. We are human beings that are the same as everyone else!

It’s worth noting that nobody in the game approaches you and forces you to kiss them. And I can recall one situation where I felt I had to flirt with Anders or choose the jerk rival response. So I chose the flirt option, then went on and romanced Merrill and everything worked out.

More to the point, I think the writer is misdiagnosing the problem. DA2 introduces the 2.0 version of the dialogue wheel they imported from Mass Effect, which makes the conversational system both clearer and more limiting. Now, every dialogue choice fits in a category — you can be nice, be funny, be mean, be flirty.

I can see why they did it: The system’s great for telling you what kind of response you’ll be making before you make it. It’s not foolproof, because it doesn’t show you exactly what your character will be saying, but the bigger problem is that the dialogue system still doesn’t really reflect the range of conversation choices you can make in real life. You could argue that’s inevitable in a game where the writers need to anticipate every dialogue option and pre-write the responses, but I think it’s actually gotten a little worse than Origins’ more traditional dialogue system. In the first game, there was usually at least one neutral dialog choice if, for example, you didn’t want to rebuff a companion but didn’t want to flirt with them either. DA2 seems to have backed off on that, which does seem kind of irritating and counterintuitive. It also seems like it would be a problem regardless of the sexuality of the characters.

Obviously this came up in the context of sexuality because that’s an issue that sparks intense feelings in people, but it’s really just an issue of an imperfectly constructed dialogue system. DA2 seems to have landed in a dialogue version of the uncanny valley (took me long enough to explain that title) where the conversations feel just realistic enough to remind you of where they fail.

Bonus rant: Incidentally, Dragon Age II doesn’t have any gay characters. Rather, four of your companions are bisexual — or they exist in some kind of weird dynamic universe where the men are gay if you play as a man and straight if you play as a woman, Merrill is gay if you play as a woman and straight if you play as a man, and Isabela jumps pretty much anything. I expect that’s as close as the game is likely to get, but it’s not an insignificant point that you can complete every romance in the game without ever entering into a same-sex relationship.